Local Schools

The Squirrels' Nest only associates with 2 local schools in the area – St. Victor’s Catholic Elementary School and Edgewood Public School.


Please note that it is your responsibility to check with these schools to ensure your child is eligible to attend. Your association with the Squirrels' Nest does not guarantee your child will be allowed to attend especially if you live outside of the catchment area of the schools.


Child/teacher ratios must be kept at all times, if you wish for your child to participate in Before or After-School programs at the school, you are responsible for the drop off and pickup. We cannot wait for children who are participating in after-school activities or who have to remain behind after normal school hours. Should the school contact us, we will inform them to call you to make suitable arrangements.

St. Victor's Catholic Elementary School

St. Victor's children are escorted to and from school by a school bus.  If your child attends St. Victors inform school that your child attend the Squirrels' Nest to be immediately placed on the bus route.


If the bus, for whatever reason, is cancelled, you are responsible for getting your child to and from school.


If your child misses the bus at the end of the day, we are unable to pick-up your child from School due to the ratios.  Should the school contact us, we will inform them to call you to make suitable arrangements.

Edgewood Public Elementary School

Children who attend Edgewood are walked to and from school. Always ensure your child is dressed appropriately for this walk.


 If your child normally returns to the Centre at the end of school but you are picking him/her up from school, you must call the Centre no later than 3:00 to inform your child’s teachers.